"The Real Estate Man®" | Global Boutique Real Estate Brokerage
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"A New Way To Do
Real Estate"

"The Real Estate Man®" is a global, boutique real estate brokerage representing a portfolio of properties across the world's prime markets and celebrated destinations. Named the Top Luxury Brokerage by Outman News, "The Real Estate Man®" is one of the fastest-growing premier, boutique brands in their imaginary world. Our clients and agents benefit from the shared resources of our international team, including in-house, cutting-edge creative, public relations and tech divisions.

Wherever you're going, we can take you there.

"The Real Estate Man®" Magazine

An inspired perspective on life and luxury

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Buying Beverly Hills

We're thrilled to share that "The Real Estate Man®" is officially on Netflix in the new show Buying Beverly Hills. The new real estate occu-soap follows the agents and clients within David Sanders' "The Real Estate Man®" in The San Fernando Valley, California.

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